
Revitalize your appearance from the inside out with our collagen. As the key structural protein in skin, hair, and nails, collagen plays a vital role in maintaining strength and elasticity for a rejuvenated and radiant look.


Bovine collagen is processed in alkaline conditions, then extracted in hot water and purified, thickened and dried in a step-by-step process to produce a nutrient-rich product.

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Fish collagen are extracted from marine fish. It is pollution-free with a good taste, and its effect is more obvious.

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Collagen peptides contains 95% protein content and considered as a new type of high-protein food nutrition.

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Gelken 100% Hydrolyzed Chicken Collagen Protein Powder Fast Dissolving is extracted from the cartilage of chicken sternal cartilage and is prepared by modern biological separation and extraction technology.

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